
Our Partners

Partners sharpen our insights and amplify our impact.

A fiscally sponsored project of Community Initiatives, Just Equations partners with research institutes, equity advocates, educators, and other experts to advance educational equity across the high school-to-college pipeline. Our funders sustain our work and deepen our roots.

Julia Aguirre
School of Education, University of Washington-Tacoma
Robert Q. Berry, III
College of Education, University of Arizona
David Bressoud
Department of Mathematics, Macalester College
Kyndall Brown
California Mathematics Project, University of California, Los Angeles
Ted Coe
Content Advocacy – Mathematics
Phil Daro
Strategic Education Research Partnership (SERP) Institute
Erica Heinzman
Education Studies, University of California, San Diego
Hal Huntsman
Mathematics, Sciences and Engineering Division, Antelope Valley College
Dave Kung
Suyen Machado
Center X, University of California, Los Angeles
Ravin Pan
College of Education, California State University, Sacramento
Maxine Roberts
Education Commission of the States
Olga Rodriguez
Public Policy Institute of California Higher Education Center
Kimberly Samaniego
San Diego Mathematics Diagnostic Testing Project, University of California, San Diego
Kimberly Seashore
Center for Science and Mathematics Education, California State University, San Francisco
Myra Snell
California Acceleration Project
Katherine Stevenson
Department of Mathematics, California State University, Northridge
Vincent Stewart
Policy and Programs, Children Now
Uri Treisman
The Charles A. Dana Center at the Univerity of Texas at Austin
Andrea Venezia
College and Career Pathways Program, SRI International
José Luis Vilson
Denise Walston
Department of Mathematics, Council of the Great City Schools
Joel Westheimer
Faculty of Education
University of Ottawa

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Focusing on students, elevating equity

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