Our People

Harold Asturias

Director, Center for Mathematics Excellence and Equity (CeMEE)
Lawrence Hall of Science at the University of California, Berkeley

Harold is the director of the Center for Mathematics Excellence and Equity (CeMEE) at the Lawrence Hall of Science; a science center located at the University of California, Berkeley. Before that, he was the Deputy Director of the Mathematics and Science Professional Development at the University of California Office of the President. Mr. Asturias was a member of the writing group for the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Assessment Standards for School Mathematics. He has extensive experience providing professional development in the areas of standards and assessment in mathematics for teachers in large urban districts (Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City) and smaller and rural districts. Over the past few years he has focused in the area of designing and implementing professional development for K-12 mathematics teachers who teach English Language learners. Also, he has collaborated with the Council of Great City Schools in the design and implementation of online resources for understanding the interconnectedness of mathematics content and language.

Harold Asturias

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