Our People

Julia Aguirre

Professor and Faculty Director of Teacher Credential Programs
School of Education, University of Washington-Tacoma

Dr. Aguirre's scholarship and professional development work focuses on mathematics teaching and learning, teacher education and culturally responsive mathematics instruction. Her work actively investigates how children's mathematical thinking, community/cultural funds of knowledge, language and power inform the development of teaching knowledge, beliefs and practice. She is committed to preparing a new generation of elementary and secondary teachers with knowledge and skills to teach rich and rigorous mathematics and engage families and communities to support mathematics teaching and learning. Her goals are to mathematically empower youth, families/communities and teachers to strengthen K-12 mathematics education access, performance and advancement, especially for those historically underrepresented in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). She has a bachelor's degree in Psychology from University of California, Berkeley; Master's degree in Education from University of Chicago; and Ph.D. in Education from the University of California, Berkeley. She joined the UWT faculty in 2007.

Julia Aguirre

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