
Linda Darling-Hammond

California State Board of Education

Linda Darling-Hammond is the Charles E. Ducommun Professor of Education Emeritus at Stanford University and founding president of the Learning Policy Institute, which was created to provide high-quality research for policies that enable equitable and empowering education for each and every child. At Stanford, Darling-Hammond founded the Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education and served as faculty sponsor for the Stanford Teacher Education Program, which she helped to redesign. In 2006, Darling-Hammond was named one of the nation’s ten most influential people affecting educational policy. She led the Obama education policy transition team in 2008 and the Biden education transition team in 2020. In 2022, Darling-Hammond received the Yidan Prize for Education Research in recognition of her work, which has shaped education policy and practice around the most equitable and effective ways to teach and learn.

Linda Darling-Hammond

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