September 2020

The Pervasive Sense of Entitlement When it Comes to ‘Good’ Schools

Scary Mommy
The Pervasive Sense of Entitlement When it Comes to ‘Good’ Schools

Just Equations National Policy Director pens an op-ed for Scary Mommy, where she shares her perspective as an education policy expert and Black mom making the decision to move her kids from an affluent school to a more racially diverse school.

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic and the tragic death of George Floyd, my husband and I decided to pull our four Black children out of Williamsville Central, arguably the highest performing school district in Western New York. We moved them to a more racially diverse, mixed achievement school that had all the same courses and an academically competitive environment. It also offered something that my children desperately needed: an opportunity to have Black friends, enjoy Black culture, and understand their Black identity organically.

But there was something else I couldn’t put my finger on. That something became clear after my work on Governor Cuomo’s advisory council on reopening schools involved participating in district-parent Zoom meetings across the state—Williamsville included.

Though every district faced the same issues around reopening schools, the Zoom meetings revealed a tale of two pandemics: Most of them began with superintendents announcing that due to COVID-19 there would be significant changes to the instructional schedule, but they diverged from there.

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