July 2024

Family Math Is More Than Homework Help

Ed Post
Family Math Is More Than Homework Help

Shakiyya Bland, Just Equations’ math educator-in-residence, highlighted the importance of family math for an op-ed in Ed Post, and examined how parents and community members can work together to empower students in the classroom and beyond.

From cooking together to managing finances, opportunities for mathematical engagement are everywhere. And children are ready and eager to learn. Research shows when schools, families, and communities work together on specific math activities, it boosts children’s math skills and helps them do better in school, reinforcing the impact of these everyday math conversations on a child's academic and life outcomes.

Mathematics is the cornerstone of education, universally recognized for its importance in shaping students' academic and real-world success.

Yet, there's a pressing need for change in how we teach math. There is a disconnect between the perceived importance of math education and students' lived experiences in classrooms across America. As educators, parents, and policymakers, it's time that we address this gap and strive to make math more relevant and engaging for all Pre-K-12 students.

Math curriculum must move beyond rote memorization and formulaic problem-solving; it’s not a subject for students to endure but a tool they should embrace, a tool that empowers students to navigate the world's complexities with confidence and competence.

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